Truckie is sold

It feels like the end of an unbelievable chapter of our lives but yesterday we sold our beloved Truckie. We had realised a while ago that it did not make sense just keeping him for occasional holidays. He is designed to be lived in full time and to undertake long journeys across continents. So ultimately it was a decision of the head not the heart. He has been part of our family for nearly six years, or as Lucy would say for more than half her life so it was really sad to part with him. The couple who have bought him have big plans for adventures of their own so we are happy that Truckie will once more be exploring the world. We would like to wish them well on their adventures and hope they enjoy them as much as we enjoyed ours. We spent a long time choosing what we felt was the right vehicle for our journey around the world and having completed it can say with absolute confidence that Truckie was the right vehicle for us. He took us over mountains, across deserts, along beaches, through hot weather and through the freezing cold too, whether it was on tar roads, gravel or dreadful muddy tracks he hardly missed a beat. Bocklet, the company that built him, did a fantastic job and after over 4 years living in Truckie there is very little that we would change. In fact, if we were all setting out again Truckie is exactly the vehicle we would want. As I parked Truckie up for the last time (after having driven him for nearly 200,000 kms) and handed the keys over to the new owner it was hard to imagine I wouldn’t be driving him again or spending another night parked up in some beautiful spot. It really brought it home that our trip was over more than any of the other things we have done since we returned to the UK. I am sure there will be more adventures but the trip with Truckie is completed. With that it also seems an opportune time to close the blog. When we started this blog we asked ourselves why we were writing it. After a while we realised we were writing it for ourselves, the family as a memory of the fantastic trip we undertook. We were delighted that our wider family and friends read it and that over time it reached a wider audience. The comments and feedback we have received have been fantastic and we have really appreciated the encouragement and support. Last weekend we spent our last nights in Truckie at the Overland Show. It was great to meet so many fellow overlanders as well as people who have followed our travels and are now planning trips of their own. It was hard though knowing we were selling Truckie as just talking about other people plans made us long for our own adventures. There will be more we are sure. So as we sign off we would all like to say a big thank you to everyone for all their support and to anyone planning a trip we would like to wish them well on their own adventures. If you are thinking of doing something similar, the hardest decision you will ever have to make is the decision to commit to doing it. All we can say is “Do it”. You will never regret it. Steve, Gilly, Alisha, Lucy and Truckie  

25 thoughts on “Truckie is sold

  1. The Snaith’s family loss is our gain! We have been travelling in Truckie, now re-christened ‘Big Bertha’, for just over four months and we are thoroughly enjoying it. Steve is a real gentlemen – the purchase and subsequent support has been amazing.
    If you want to continue following this MAN’s journey – you can by subscribing to

    David and Francine

  2. Hello,
    We are a french family planning to live as nomas digital some years and looking for a truck . I m really desappointed to discover your blog 5 days after you sold your truck! It could be perfect for us.
    If it s not inappropriate I would be very interested to know the price of the truck to have a reference for our next research. If you don’t mind to share it with us you can answer in a private message.
    Many thanks!

  3. Thanks a lot for sharing your incredible journey! I started following your Blog a while ago when my boyfriend and I started dreaming about some long time travelling for our selves. We didnt start a journey like yours so far, but did some short trips with our vw t4 campervan in Europe. We still believe we will Do a longer roadtrip some time. And you are just right: one would never regret it.

    Hope you will find lots of exciting adventures even when it seems to someone like me that you already did it all 😉

    • Hi Jana, Thanks for your lovely comments. Good luck with your own travels, leaving is often the hardest part but we’ve never once wished we had never done it.

  4. I can understand why you sold truckie but I have to admit, I’m a little sad you’re closing the blog. Hope you’ll leave the existing content up though because it’s such a beautiful and informative blog that I”m sure is inspiring others. Thanks for sharing your stories with me and so many others around the world.

  5. Thanks for this signing-off blog Steve. Your family adventures have been wonderful. Your personal abilities as a driver have been remarkable and I have great admiration for all you achieved getting the truck around the world.

  6. Thank you for sharing your exciting family adventures. We have enjoyed following your blog since we met in Tasmania at Strahan on the beach in January 2016. We gave you directions to that camp in the third picture you shared above at Lake Mackintosh on the west coast of Tasmania, Australia. We loved looking at the photos and enjoyed how you shared the blog via your beautiful family. Wishing you and your family all the best in the future. Perhaps we’ll met again on one of your next adventures.
    Fil and Sylvia

    • Hi Fila and Sylvia, Thank you for your kind words and thank you for pointing us in the direction of that fabulous camp spot. It was so beautiful and peaceful. We loved all the different places that were available for wild camping in Tasmania. Best wishes from us all.

  7. Its been fantastic to follow you on this journey – thank you for sharing it. When we met you in Namibia it made us start thinking long and hard about doing some longer term travel and I’m sure you have inspired many others too. It was great to spend a little time with you at the Overland Show and we will continue to refer to your experiences as we plan our own. Good luck with the next chapters of all your lives and all the travelling that’s (I’m sure) still to come.

    • Many thanks Richard. It was great to see you and others at the Overland Show and to hear about people’s plans for the future. Taking a long Overland journey is an amazing experience and one we can truly recommend. We look forward to reading about your adventures on your blog.

  8. Thank you, Steve & Gilly, for this wonderful blog that you created and shared with so many. We met you at the campground near Palenque way back in late 2013 when we were traveling through Mexico and Central America, and have been following your blog ever since.Your family’s around the world adventure was amazing and we have really enjoyed reading about your experiences and especially loved the beautiful photos you posted.
    We wish your family well and know you all have many more adventures ahead.
    Thanks for sharing this one!
    Nancy & Michael

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